Fuck this statement - "No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were,"- Justice Kennedy.
It has been a couple of years ( June 26th, 2015) since the U.S. Supreme Court decided the Constitution gave gays the right to marry. For many political conservatives and Christians, it felt like a battle was lost. Of course, there are gay-affirming Christians that felt like this was a win for the gay community. It became exhausting seeing all the rainbows on Facebook and Instagram accounts. I didn't even want to address this topic because I didn't care until I read Justice Kennedy's explanation for the Judicial approval of gay marriage.
Before we get to it, I want to explain where I stand on this.
I believe that gay marriage is unhealthy and goes against the will of our Creator for human sexuality.
I believe society needs to learn how to live with each other. Sometimes we don't agree on everything, and as Christians, we need to know that we can't force people to live righteous lives. That is up to them.
I believe anyone who pays taxes should have federal benefits and state benefits. If gay married couples pay taxes, they should have the same rights as straight married couples.
Politically, I'm not against Gay Marriage.
Spiritually and ethically, I don't support it.
But Socially, if Justice Kennedy's explanation is held as the reason why Gays should have the right to be married, then anyone who holds his view has a horrible idea of marriage.
If you are a gay-affirming Christian who supports gay marriage, I hope you don't believe what Justice Kennedy wrote.
Here it is again.
"No union is more profound than marriage, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were,"- Justice Kennedy.
As I saw the response many Christians had concerning this topic on that Friday; I was a little shocked to learn not many people read or listened to the whole hearing concerning this legal battle. And no one talked about this tiny little sentence.
As a Christian, this sentence caused pain and sadness in me.
First, that fact that Justice Kennedy says "No union is more profound than marriage," as a Christian, the most profound Union a human can have is with the MANGOD Jesus through his Church. Unity in the Church through the blood of Christ manifested by the Cup of Communion is the most profound relationship humans will have on Earth.
The Church embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. And let's not forget how intimate and committed friendships can be! My God, I love friendship!
The fact that gay-affirming Christians and non-gay-affirming Christians didn't get upset about this makes me extremely sad.
It points to the fact that marriage is everyone's end goal in human relationships.
Christian and non-Christian.
Gay or straight.
But since I am a Christian and I am only going to address Christians, I am sad and angry towards Christians that we got mad and sad for the wrong reasons.
The Church isn't seen as the Body of Christ.
Does this bother anyone?
Dear gay-affirming Christians, does this bother you that the Church isn't the primary example of love on Earth?
Apparently, marriage is.
What is your theology of the Church?
Also, what is your theology of friendship? Of covenants that friends can make with each other?
Does friendship even matter to you?
Then, the following sentence goes like this,
"In forming a marital union, two people become something greater than once they were."
Well, for us single folks, we can't be more significant than what we are now.
Which can I say is straight-up/gay up.......
............fucked up.
I want to argue against this idea Just Kennedy represents. I know many Gay affirming and none Gay affirming Christians believe in the idea that marriage is the most important relationship.
Jesus says to be in HIS family; you need to do the Father's will,
What is more family than being in Jesus' family?
What is more "profound" than that?
And Jesus requires his family to be the most selfless, loving, dedicated, family of all.
As a single person, being in the family of Jesus is profound!
I become greater than what I was.
That means I am in a covenant with married folks, single folks, old folks, babies, and anyone who does the Father's will.
Isn't this exciting?
I know this idea of love and sacrifice is different than what Disneyland taught all of us concerning "the one."
Marriage, love, and commitment cannot compare to what the Church is!!
The Christian belief system does not believe marriage is the most profound relationship.
Only a culture and society that is lonely, heartbroken, full of lust for pleasure, and evil, trying to find eternal peace and unity will make up a belief like this to answer questions their pain and loneliness bring up.
So for you Christians who are gay-affirming and none gay-affirming that teach that marriage is the closest union humans will have with each other, please stop!
You are making me less.
You are excluding me!
As someone who struggles with homosexuality, living in the Church is already tough. Still, the bad theology of marriage drags me on the ground for miles and does more harm to me than my sins.
Please Stop it!
Loneliness is drowning many of us in America, and your beliefs of "the one" is the leading cause.
Marriage right now is an idol! It is dangerous!
It doesn't matter what the hell an orgasm means.
What matters is what COMMUNION with Christ through the Church means!
The BLOOD of Christ is more Unifying than SPERM and EGG! SPERM and SPERM, and EGG and EGG.
More Unifying than two bodies having pleasure.
Justice Kennedy,
Stop leading Gay affirming Christians and none Gay affirming Christians to believe that marriage is what you think it is.
Justice Kennedy, I think you should say this.
"No union is more profound than the Covenant Jesus has with the Church, for it embodies the highest ideals of love, fidelity, devotion, sacrifice, and family. In forming a new Covenant with Humans, humanity becomes something greater than once they were. They can love all!
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