Why do humans with a homosexual orientation commit suicide, and why are they at higher risk of suicide than heterosexuals?
It is currently accepted by therapists, psychiatrists and public policymakers that rejecting one's sexual identity, especially one oreinted towards homosexuality, can lead to disastrous emotional and physical harm.
Since the American Psychiatric Association no longer considers homosexuality a mental disorder, it is alarming there still exists a high rate of homosexuals dealing with suicide, especially gay males.
Many humans with this orientation are still not "out," so accurate stats are hard to find since we might not know how many people who commit suicide are gay. But from accurate reports, many LGBTQ that are "out" still deal with suicide.
The gay community blames the shame that has been given to them by society for being attracted to the same sex. They say the rejection of one's sexual identity has disastrous emotional effects on a human, which can lead to suicide. The lack of social, religious, and interpersonal acceptance of homosexuality is still the cause of one not wanting to live in this type of environment.
And I agree
But I interpret the stats and research differently.
I affirm there exists a very harsh world for someone attracted to the same sex, especially for someone in a conservative religious community, aka a Christian Church.
Christians have passionately worked against the gay community and the gay community's want for political and moral acceptance to be in same-sex relationships. Even though Christians use the Bible to argue against them, most of this passion for speaking out against the gay community is not because of love or standing up for righteousness but out of fear of who they are.
Of who WE are.
I am sometimes amazed at why people are so passionate about a topic, especially if they are Christian.
As a Christian, seeking the Kingdom of God is our primary goal, and being a Christian (little Jesus) is our primary identity. Early Christians in the 1st century died for that identity. In Scripture, you do not see many verses talking about how important sexuality is to Christianity. You see how one should be willing to die for the name and teaching of Jesus.
But we have an issue here.
Many Homosexuals are still committing suicide, especially in the Christian Church.
I want to argue that they are not receiving the 4 T's.
They are not receiving Touch – every human needs touch
They are not receiving time – every human needs time
They are not receiving Transparency – every human needs intimacy
They are not on a Team – every human needs a community
These humans within the Church with this orientation are afraid to say they are attracted to the same sex. They keep that hidden in their hearts. We all know what happens when we hold a big secret in our lives,
It causes a deathly isolated self-destructive mind.
Or once they have told people they are attracted to the same sex, Christians do not know how to interact with them. Christians start thinking they want to have sex all the time or grab their genitals. So Christians stay away or withdraw from them. They don't associate themselves with them. Christians don't hang out or treat them like humans, but more like diseases.
When people who are attracted to the same sex see this reaction, they also withdraw and stay quiet.
This destroys any chance of someone experiencing the 4 T's, and they NEED IT!
They will not get TOUCH
They will not get TIME
They will not get TRANSPARENCY
And they are definitely not on a TEAM.
So why live? Who wants to live a life of isolation and pain from rejection?
No one wants to live with us.
Everyone is afraid of us.
Who will look into our eyes?
Who will spend time with us, watch a movie, and put their arms around us?
Who will show us affection? Friendship?
Will anyone think we want something other than sex?
I don't believe humans commit suicide because whom they want to be in a relationship with is not being accepted by society.
People commit suicide because their needs are not being met.
If the gay community is saying gay suicide rates are high because they are not being accepted for who they are and whom they want to have sex with, and our society is not accepting their want to be in a monogamous relationship, they have just made us the value of our sexual worth.
We were human and valuable before sex came into the picture, before marriage came into the picture, and before a society that said true love is only found in a romantic relationship controlled our value. Adam represented the image of God before sex was created. Adam and Eve represented God before they engaged in sexual intercourse.
If we accept the idea that the lack of acceptance of one's sexual identity can destroy a person's life is a fact, then we have made humans into animals.
If we can accept that humans need
and Teamwork
We see humans the WAY GOD sees humans.
Either it is their fault for not voicing their needs or society's fault for overreacting to people's lives.
And the Christian community is no different.
The Christian community must understand that Christians with this orientation are not all about sex. They need to be loved at a fundamental level.
And if we are not loved in simple ways, we turn to the gay community for love and acceptance, or we can turn to the Evil Spirit of Suicide.
So please give us Touch – long hugs, kisses, simple affectionate Touch, sleeping in the same bed, etc.
Please give us time – movie watching, coffee shop time, beach walks, sunset views, etc.
Please give us Transparency – tell us your fears, desires, hopes, locker room, everyday life, boring life,etc.
Please give us Teamwork – we are here for you guys too! We can make promises and covenants with you guys too.
Then let's see what would happen to Christians who deal with suicide when they encounter this type of love and acceptance.
Let's love each other the way Christ loves the Church
Let's not let the gay community get away with thinking people commit suicide because of the rejection of one's sexual identity.
We had a human identity before sex came into the picture
That should be enough for us to live.
(Obviously, suicide is a very complex issue. I had to admit myself a couple of times. However, I argued with the institution's therapist because they wanted me to accept the idea that homosexuality is normal and healthy. However, I went in because I was dealing with the horrible pain of rejection from friends whom I wanted to be accepted. Some homosexuals deal with suicide, not because of homosexuality but because there exist multiple issues in their life. I am addressing the popular opinion that homosexuals commit suicide because their sexual identity is not being accepted. Gay-affirming pastors and theologians believe this, and it is simply wrong and unbiblical. We were humans before sexuality was created, according to the poetic account of Genesis and merely looking at Jesus' life)
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